Hello all, we offer our next camp from 01.-08.10.2023 in Jena.
It is designed for parents and children together. However, you can also participate without having a child or adult at your side 🙂
We will teach in several classes and languages. https://go4jigs.eu/intensive-training-go-camp/
The nice thing: you can combine this camp with the tournament in Jena, which takes place on 30.09.-01.10.2023 in Jena, and a seminar of Andrii Kravets, 1p on 29.09.2023: https://go-jena.de/turniere/jenaer-kreuzschnitt/11-jenaer-kreuzschnitt-2023/
For the camp you can register via Manja or Andrii or via email: go4jigs@gmail.com.
Enjoy playing ~~ 🙂
Next JIGS camp in October!